About Me

I am a software engineer highly exposed to frontend with React and Angular but also experienced with full stack developement using Node, Java and Python.



Practice Fusion

Software Engineer UI/UX, Scrum Master: 2019 - Present
  • Work with design / product team to build a highly secure web-based electronic health record using JavaScript, Ember, and React.
  • Protect extremely sensitive patient data following HIPPA while being able to provide great UI and UX to the users.
  • Planning / scoping projects with stakeholders and team to accomplish results with as little unpredicted hurdles as possible.
  • Increasing and maintaining test (unit, integration, acceptance) coverage with every new and deprecated features.

Eisenmann North America

Software Engineer UI/UX: 2018 - 2019
  • Full Stack development using Java on the backend and React.js with Redux on frontend.
  • Overhaul Tesla’s software with a new interface, features for control room operation and a developer platform for partner companies such as Lamborghini, Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Volkswagen to utilize the new software.
  • Improve project maturity and decrease on-call by 60% by introducing unit testing using Jest and integrating it for development team.
  • Accelerated loading speed of the application by 40% by reducing number of action calls to the Redux store and optimizing information storage at the reducer.


University Of California, Santa Barbara

Bachelor of Science 2013 - 2017



Website inspired by Amazon and Netflix. Fully functioning E-Commerce, music and movie streaming.

Angular / Java / MySQL

Soure Code

MD Document

My take on Google Document clone through Socket.io and Angular 6 to display data in real time.

Angular / Node / MySQL

Source Code

More to Come

I do have a real estate profit calculator coming ...
